25 thoughts on “New Everybody Edits promo video.

  1. No offense but really the music is too “happy” to go with this video. Maybe if you sped it up 6x then it MIGHT work. Or better yet a video of starblinky making art sped up 4x times… Now THAT would be cool. And if I could I’d love to add some more to this video. Also what program did you use to creat it?

    • Not entirely sure how to interpret “too happy” until you substantiate that claim, but thanks for the feedback! I normally use Premiere Pro and After Effects for my video editing, but since this was a rather simple video I simply used Ulead Videostudio 11.

      Feel free to add more to the video and upload it to your own account if you feel like it!

  2. terotheon says:

    Chris could you possibly make a snailmail option for buying beta/gems? My parents refuse to give their credit card number out online, but they have no problem paying!

  3. Chris I have an idea you don’t have to agree its kinda stupid but in the shop you could have a item that lets you jump one block higher! say 1000-2000 energy 15-25 gems you don’t have to agree 😀

  4. lezard91 says:

    hey chris why the chat are not free for all as all the online game?
    its bad to buy chat when everybody see that all online games have a chat

    serious free chat for all

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