Halloween Competition 2011: Submit your levels!

I just created a new topic where all the competing teams now can start submitting their levels for the Halloween competition.

Every registered team is allowed to submit their level until 1 November 00:00 GMT (Time is subject to change based on our schedules) or else it will not be accepted.

Make sure that your level is 100 % functional and ready to play.

Click here to visit the topic!

13 thoughts on “Halloween Competition 2011: Submit your levels!

  1. tomkazaz says:

    hi guys ? you only start judging on november 1st right ?
    will you enter worlds before ?

    thanx, tomkazaz (=

    Good-luck everybody !

  2. gogosboy says:

    RPGmaster2000 Would you like me to help you judge I wouldn’t mind. I have the time and I wouldn’t expect the prizes for doing it. I will do it for nothing. BTW my beta smileys still aren’t back!

  3. 1. Does it matter when a back-up team submits a level

    2. If someone is last in the back-up list and submits a level, will he be entered into the actual 200 list before someone in the back-up list that signed up earlier but submits thier level later.

    Example: back-up #10 submits today and back-up number #5 submits tommorow, who gets in the contest first if there is room.

  4. Hi this is togepi101 here,
    I can’t seem to post my world for the contest. I have completed making it and everything,but when I try to post, I just says that the webpage expires. I reload the page, IT TAKES FOREVER TO LOAD. Can you somehow tell that I can’t post.Here’s the link: http://everybodyedits.com/games/PWzFqlk63aa0l if this is the wrong link, plz login to my account, and the world is my saved medium world 1. I am posting this on the 31 October, so this is EXTREME importance. If you can’t do anything about it, then it’s ok… 😥 plz reply,

  5. It really seems short notice for November 1st, not everyone always comes to the blog, you know. And I would have posted the world have, but the owner wasn’t online on Hallowe’en.

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