Everybody Edits 1.0 Update II

The people have spoken! Specifically you have said that you don’t want a separated beta and open client and contrary to popular belief I do actually listen!

Thus the development towards 1.0 is going to go ahead as we have done development since christmas, where updates can be seen by everyone but will be limited to beta members for a period.

32 thoughts on “Everybody Edits 1.0 Update II

  1. Thank you. As an owner of beta, I appreciate knowing that the beta worlds have more chance to be popular. …now If I can just make some good maps. hahaha.


  2. jojatekok says:

    LOL!!! Nice! πŸ™‚ (BTW I’m a beta member)

    You should add a login server such as login.everybodyedits.com, so the client should connect to it, and then we wouldn’t have to login again after every update πŸ™‚

  3. Thats nice.
    But can we have guests back? Guest bombing was basically the only way to get good levels popular, now good levels shall vanish from the top of the lobby list because most ee players go for the games like ‘100 minigames’ or anything with Stairs in it.

      • This is a serious problem. Although guests were certainly abused, abuse has both negative and positive consequences. The design of the game right now is such that there are major network externalities for playing; ie, a player wants to play in a map where other people are playing. Because there is a huge information asymmetry between creators and players in the lobby (the creator knows the quality of the level, players do not), having many players in a level is also a signal of quality, so many players in a level serves both to increase the desirability of playing in that level as well as to signal that the level is worth playing.

        The reason guest bombing works is because anybody can guest bomb. By guest bombing, the level is pushed up in the lobby. However, guest bombing also takes up computer resources, so it is infeasible to maintain many guests in a room indefinitely. A quality level that is guest-bombed will fill up with players who enjoy the level. The guests are removed, and the players in the level keep the level near the top in the lobby. Other players in the lobby see it, use that information to assume that the level is quality, and enter it. The level self-sustains because players enjoy it.

        However, if a level is not good, guestbombing will only keep the level near the top as long as the guests are kept. Players will enter, see the level is of low quality, and leave. Once computer resources can no longer be maintained to keep the guests and the guests are removed, the level will drop out from the top of the lobby.

        As it is, without the ability to guestbomb, levels cannot be pushed to the top of the list except through further, time-intensive manipulation of the system. Many skilled designers, unwilling to engage in that time-intensive manipulation, will stop building.

        I sincerely hope that you have an alternative method planned to implement soon for players to find quality levels, and enable designers to overcome the network externality, which can keep inferior levels near the top in popularity at the expense of quality levels which cannot attract players due to the fact that they do not yet have players.

        James Anderson
        Doctoral Student in Marketing
        University of Pittsburgh

      • linkeuiswampert says:

        PLEASE tell me you’re going to allow us to be anonymous now.

        Now that everybody has a username it doesn’t make me feel special anymore, and sometimes I just want to be able to go back to the good ol’ days of anonymity. (but keep all of my bricks and smileys)

        It’s the least you can do. Since you have no plans of fixing parental controls to be feasable without a credit card, people can now make fun of me and know who I am, and I can’t fight back. I’d personally rather go back to the days of “n00b get beta” where at least they were aiming at a group in general instead of just me.

        Also of which, what is the point of pro now? Back when it came out, we had the sole privelege of usernames and chatting, in addition to our 6 smileys and our 1 set of bricks. Now we can only be recognized by those smileys and bricks, and nobody cares anymore because they have the bulk of what it was originally sought for (I know you said that usernames and chat would eventually go to everybody, but at the time it was a dream).

        I believe that you need to add some kind of additional way to specify pro users. Even something such as a different-colored username, make us know you still care.

        To summarize: If you’re unable to find a better Parental Controls scheme, please allow us to be anonymous to others, and please make us Pro members feel special again, because the package was the Beta/Pro package and we’re only getting half.

      • I have no plans of adding anonymity to the game. Accountability is a good thing.

        Beta has and will never be about having more features, the only thing you get is a chance to try things before everybody else.

      • thefirstgamer says:

        Yep, i agree completely, but now, how are those without email addresses and are below 13 play e.e.?

  4. terotheon says:

    Oh, and could you guys PLEASE give us a way to distinguish between regular and beta-only worlds? I really don’t want to have to cross reference the levels every time I go to the lobby.

  5. You should be able to login with other game sites.. Like Kongregate. I’m playing Everybody Edits on Kongregate. (Beta) But I can’t login to EverybodyEdits.com with my Kongregate account. This is very annoying.. because I can’t go play an room with my main account.. If I’m opening an link. Could you please add Kongregate and other gaming-sites accounts to EE accounts?

      • l0lwas says:

        And, you can’t use disappearing secret passage blocks on others’ saved worlds. I’m not sure if you can use them on open worlds, but can you fix that bug?

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