New shop interface update! (And more goodies…)

We just released a much more organized shop interface that’s hopefully way more fun to use than the last one. You’re all free to write your opinions and feedback in the comments section of this blog post.

Release notes:

  • New shop interface
  • Polished lobby interface
  • XD Smiley (beta)
  • Bully smiley (beta)
  • Glass pack (beta)
  • Polished graphics (energy icon, fan smiley, yellow factory block)
  • The ultimate fan smiley now write the users username in the description text.
  • Changed a few of the admin commands (Uhh!)

119 thoughts on “New shop interface update! (And more goodies…)

  1. terotheon says:

    awww when will the stuff be available to regular members? 😦

    And can somebody please tell me if the glass pack does anything special?

    • BillyP says:

      It will probably be released to regular members some time in the near future, after it has been beta-tested. There is also no special feature that comes with the glass pack.

  2. thefirstgamer says:

    first like and first post.
    nice updates, but if you want to buy time…
    1: have all beta smileys put in a packege, and put it in the free e.e. for 2000 energy.
    2: do the same thing with the beta bricks.

      • thefirstgamer says:

        yeesh, it wouldn’t be like they had all the beta, it would be a good way to distract people until chris gets a new ideas.

      • terotheon says:

        He doesn’t need any more ideas, since there is still soooo much stuff he said he’d do, and many other suggestions. I’m not beta, so I would love to see this stuff become available, but it’s really not fair for the beta members. They paid real money, and you want to reward them with nothing?

        I could maybe see the release of EITHER the smilies or the bricks, but for an extremely high amount of energy (say 5k per face, 10k for bricks?)

    • supadorf24 says:

      Ehhh, Beta smileys are for Beta members. That’s why they’re called Beta smileys. They’re a way to distinguish Betas from non-Betas. Besides, six smileys for 2000 energy?

      • codytheking says:

        Gamer, the problem there isn’t that the six smileys aren’t worth it. The problem is that that is insanely cheap for the smileys. The Terminator smiley alone costs that much! Those smileys and the beta blocks will never be released to the public, because they are meant to be a special perk for the people that pay to play the game.

    • BillyP says:

      This is a bad idea seeing as it would leave the beta with pretty much no benefits. As Different55 said it’d also make the beta players angry.

  3. supadorf24 says:

    What’s the new 400 x 400 World Size going to be called? Best World? Actually, the Best World should have a minimap that fills the entire screen. 😛

  4. BillyP says:

    The smileys and bricks are cool! However, as I said in-game, I think you should refine the green and maybe the light blue and make them less bright. Other than that they’re good!

  5. codytheking says:

    I have a quick question for chris, or anybody else that would know. I saw that you put Pro back on the Kongregate version for $10 (thank you!!!) and I was just wanting to make sure, is Pro the same thing as Beta? Like, will I get stuff early if I buy that? Or do I only get the Beta exclusive blocks and smileys?

  6. supermarioman639 says:

    I just love all the updates guys! Now with all ths tottally new stuff, I can wait for the next update. Also, I heard from RPGMaster and Toby that the next update will be crowns for multiple people!

  7. Ultimate World… I thought of that long time ago 😀 THIS IS THE ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN OF ULTIMATE DESTINY…

    and the 1000×1000 world (lolz) is going to be called Galaxy!

    AND the minimap that fills the entire screen world is called Universe…

    and a small world 5×5 is called tiny world 😀 (for 50energy LOLZ)

  8. xxjmasterxx says:

    finaly you polished off the lobby and added new stuff but i havent got beta 😦 so to all betas hurry up and test stuff so i can have it 😀

  9. correiajoao says:

    I have a suggestion to buy the chat!

    is not mine but why not put the chat for 50 gems?
    or more! I am 14 years old and I have no PayPal and my parents will not let me use the credit card.

    I already have the BETA from October / November 2010!

    You can do this for the chat?

    I thanked him, from the heart!

  10. terotheon says:

    Are there multiple bully smilies now? Because I just saw some guy that looked like a cross between the the black hatted bully and the worker, and his hat what green! (no, it definitely wasn’t new years)

  11. percy28 says:

    `hey, I had an idea. What if you can have a friends list. Then you can invite other players to be your friend, so you can see if he/she is online or not. What do you think??

  12. ey chris, i have an idea! what about a ice package, with slippery blocks?? or maybe sticky blocks. and for smilies: a cyclop smiley,
    ghost smiley, and a :S smiley. plz reply:) byee

  13. hey chris i have a few questions . . . can you please re en state the xmas decoratives? i didint know they were time sensative till they were gone D: . . . . and i say the next thing on your list (should) be the affective locks the ones that affect the player ^.^that would be awsome and nice smiley updates ;D . . . . . last thing every time i try to sign into everbody edits it works! bu then the screen goes black!! please hel me


    Whenever i log in (i use facebook) It shows everything like the regular, so when i log in the shows up, and when the screen fades to black, nothing happens, just stays black. Any help?

  15. ryanscathe says:

    I don’t mean to cast doubts on your focus, because I know you spend a lot of time working on EE. However, there is an increasing amount of frustration present over the fact that it is still impossible to reset to last save if you don’t have the chat enabled.

    Can you fix this soon please? Thanks.

  16. Chris, I found a bug, and its really annoying! I log in, but it shows the screen, then goes blank! I want to play, it was working, and when I came back on the same day, it was all black! Am I banned or somthing?! ‘Cause I didnt do anything to be banned!

  17. speedrulez says:

    what about a brick which stops you (you cant pass it), but u can not stand on it. only a ‘stop’ brick.

    because there a lot of times i want to stop people from passing a place and than you have to build a whole wall, because otherwhis they just jump on it. if u make bring where they cannot stand on.. this problem is solved.

  18. oh about that one post about adding more smileys, i think that you should just add a uploading add-on that you can just get another smiley from a website or URL and be able to fit it into a smiley frame. For about 5,000 energy or 50 gems.

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