Latest game update.

Yesterday, the 1st of Febuary, I released an update to the game, but did not have the time to post about it here before now. This is the basic change log:

Fixed bug the minimap would be rendered incorrectly
In the previous release I introduced secret passages / platforms, these bricks respectively looks like a black block and an empty area. Thus the passage should be fully transparent on the minimap, to implement this I just did a not so clever quick-fix that introduced a bug in the way coins where rendered. This has now been corrected. At the same time I changed black bricks back so they now render fully transparent in the minimap.

Changed how secret passages / blocks works
Secret blocks will now become visible when touched once. The hope is that this modification will remove some of the annoyance the old model where. I also changed the layout to not have the S for secret any more as people did not get why it was there.

The new look of the secret blocks

I am still not 100% sure I like the way it currently work, so you might see some changes to it over the next few days still. (This is why we have beta!)

Fixed graphical errors in the shop
The ultimate fan smiley where showing the wrong graphics, this is now fixed!

Added terminator smiley
Added a new terminator smiley. It’s quite expensive right now as the idea was to give it a special ability like the ninja. Again I did not have time to complete that part but decided to release the graphics regardless. Thus again expect updates!

The terminator smiley

32 thoughts on “Latest game update.

  1. supadorf24 says:

    For the Terminator Smiley, are you planning on doing something with the minimap (like the Ninja Smiley), or some other ability in-game?

  2. cool12309 says:

    Please, can we have beta on if we buy it on Kongregate? I think it’s unfair we can only play on Kongregate as beta if we buy it there. 😦

  3. linkeuiswampert says:

    Alright, now all we need is the Tron smiley with the extended glow on the minimap and a very faint background glow in the actual game.

  4. speedrulez says:

    O.o, giving a smiley a real ability like: higher jumping would be unfair… so it will only be a: see-ability. or the must come some: only-terminator-map…

    • electriceel says:

      It would be completly fair to have higher jumping abilitys– you just need to raise the Jumping wall if you dont want someone ging across it.

  5. Hi Chris,when will the new update come? I will be sending a letter with ideas on it. I want launcher. (It shoots you farther than gravity arrows) Thank you,Justin 45355.

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