Hints on Magic

So Magic has been live for about an hour or so. A lot of people have already found it, but there is a few questions I would like to answer officially without giving away the whole thing.

Q: Who can get Magic?
A: All registered users can get magic, you do not have to be beta or have a specific smiley.

Q: Can you get magic more than once?
A: Yep, you can get it an infinite amount of times.

Q: In what worlds can you get the magic?
A: You can get magic in any world.

Q:  If I pick up a lot of coins will I get magic faster?
A: No the system is clever than that.

Q: How often can you get magic?
A: Several times a day

Q: Will there be more magic things?
A: Yep!


107 thoughts on “Hints on Magic

  1. So the rate at which you get magic is steady… so if i go a while without even getting a coin, the coins I get are more likely to be magical, even though I don’t get magic faster?

    If so, I could try for getting magic several times a day and be relatively successful?

    Just makin’ sure.

  2. Okay so it ups our max energy and refills it… how do we get it and where? And by where I mean how do we know it’s magic?

    Oh, and by your post, it looks like you’re implying you buy things with magic alone (rather than energy). Is that true?

  3. norwegianguy5 says:

    hey chris
    bug found on everybody edits(dun dun dun epic music)
    explanation: when i played guest and did not have account (9 months ago) i played awesome and owned everybody in the game and then i though of getting account(8 months ago) it was not much of a difference so i buyed beta(7 1/2 months ago and it was AWESOME i played awesome and owned everybody and bragged with beta faces. then the updates came(2 months ago) it was nice i buyed the big spender chat everything. when suddenly, i could not own anyone longer i sucked and was more horrible than all the noobs togeder. WHY. because if i play with guest account now i own everybody and if i play with my beta account it laggggssssssss that is the problem.
    summary: fix the horrible lag with beta account or slow computer(my computer is one of the fastest in the world though) so plz ix so i can own every one again XD
    from norwegianguy5 real username in everybody edits norwegianboy

    p.s. this sure was a long comment (hope the moderators accept long comments XD)

  4. How do I change the sise of a saved world? Don’t just blow me off or say it’s impossable, because I saw a 400*200 befor they came out in shop, and just now I saw a 400*50 level. Please explain.

  5. Iosuiscloud says:

    Blue coins work as the gold ones? i mean, there are the same opportunities of getting magic with them as with golden, right?

  6. Can you get magic from your own worlds?

    Also, does it make you more likely to get magic coins if you get a ton of coins? For example, if I’m in a room filled with coins and I get all the coins, will I be more likely to get magic rather than if I’m in a room with fewer coins?

    Thanks. ^-^

  7. iceeman234 says:

    You… kinda screwed EverybodyEdits with this. Because now the lobby is all filled with coin levels. o_o Just… saying.

  8. kingjamstar1 says:

    Okay about the whole chat thing, i know this is off topic but. Since we bought the beta with a credit card, you should have a list or something that has records of who bought the chat with a card or earned it so you should find the list and give everyone there chat back.

    Please Chris Please!!

  9. The coins(Yellow ones)Are random. You cant make coins and then take coins and hope you will get one secret one.

    Tip:Play many levels with many coins in it.

    What does i get if i find one? : You get + 10 max energi.
    And your energi bar full!

  10. hey, I would to see some changes in the coin door selection

    If you click and hold your mouse on the plus side it should increase rapidly . That way you dont have to repeatidly press again

    And I would like to see to add the value manually with the keyboard

  11. eehiddensoul says:

    sorry for that comnment: what dose magic look like? is it a defferent kind of coin? is it in a world that you were in?

  12. Don’t use multiple tabs. It doesn’t help. If you get a coin in 1 tab then get 1 in another tab without reloading it won’t count as 2
    Either use 1 tab or reload on all tabs when you get magic.

  13. afromonkey1 says:

    OMG OMG OMG <— lol i found a glitch to them tottally black blocks!
    we all know they are black on the map right, well the minimap is different about it, tottally black blocks appear as completely clear on the minimap!!! i think i may be the first to find this glitch but im not sure :/ :mrgreen: hooray for reporting glitches :mrgreen:

  14. afromonkey1 says:

    i think the magic coin system is based on an editable block and the magic area is on that single blank block until you reset the lvl then it goes to another square at random i have no proof though :/

  15. While farming for coins i discovered that I can have 3 copies of myself in the same room. When i try to put in a fourth i get a message that says i can only have two copies in a room. So how come i can make 3? When I look in the chat log most other people only have two copies.

  16. superater says:

    Um…….Chris I have a few questions.
    1.What is magic?
    2.The less coins you have the more faster you can get magic?
    3.Have you got it ?

  17. anonamusman65 says:

    Chris can you please put the wizard face in the energy shop. I don’t think it is fair that when you rarely do come across a magic coin,you might not even get the wizard.

  18. Chris, I found a magic coin (YAY ME!!!) but I didn’t get the wizard smiley which i thought was accompanied with a coin… do I have to do something? I’m a non beta member if that changes anything

  19. Chris!! I just got another magic coin, and it said wizard smiley stuff rather then energy, but it’s not on list of faces!! PLEASE help, I really want that smiley, and it totally jipped me!

  20. Chris, nobody understands this magic very well, but it’s more fun with the mystery of it all. The best part is that due to magic and coin doors, coin hunting (which had no purpose) has now become a fun prime objective. Good job.

    Good job on everything actually.

  21. Hi,
    I created an account to comment on the blog, play everybody edits since early last year, everybody edits game every day, I love this game.
    I’m always looking to see if this blog is new, but until today did not discover anything about coin magic, but was wondering how do I know if I got a magic coin. Appears up in the corner I have a magic coin?

  22. awsome thanks so much for the info i just have one thing to ask ……. ive got a magic coin once but i didint even now till a few hours later and i dont now how i got the coin whats up with that and if i get a magic coin with wizard will i instantly have the wizard on the next lvl i go on ???

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