Time for some stats

This morning Everybody Edits rounded 9 million games played! Below some stats for the lifetime of the game.

As of right now:

Total amount of game sessions: 9.001.025
Total amount of rooms joined: 27.387.991
Total amount of time played: 313681155.9 Minutes (Thats 596.8 Years)
Most plays on a single day: 90.411
Most online at the same time: 2.682
Total bandwith used: 56.18 Tb

69 thoughts on “Time for some stats

  1. And people call you greedy for adding gems and beta to cover the insane costs of the bandwidth usage. *sigh*

    This is way beyond awesome though, gonna have to give you and the players a round of applause. ;D

    • i can argue that. minecraft has more then 6,000 players on at a time. 1,000,000+ people have bought the game in making. and before 6 months ago only 1 person had worked on the game.
      (but i still like everybody edits better, seeing how i started playing ee when it was v 0.6)

  2. myndrios says:

    Wait (I don’t see anything on this so I’m going to ask) Whats the Secret Passage, is it beta, or am i not seeing it…. Please comment, must know!

  3. supadorf24 says:

    Hey, Chris, Congrats! I’ve noticed a bug/annoying thing that’s going on, though. Ever since the latest update (that happened, like, fifteen minutes ago), coins, both blue and yellow, have the same effect as the fully black block. Meaning, coins delete part of the minimap. Which is kind of annoying, because that means that coins are now visible on the minimap. I don’t know if you did that on purpose, or if it’s a bug. If you could respond, it’d be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    • tomkazaz says:

      yeah its true! i enterd my world and i suddenly sae lots of invisable bricks in the map. i thought someone discoverd the code and started ruin my world with the FULLY BLACK BRICK !
      turns out it was this coin bug….. 😦 like the last time i thought the game was updated or something but it was just magic messege, LOL 😀

      • tomkazaz says:

        saW*. and it happened right now. please fix it Chris !!!!! now people can find where the coins are or how many should they collect… 🙂

      • stephen1222 says:

        yeah coins are clear and black blocks can be seen(not fully clear) WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?!?!??!?!?!?

      • myndrios says:

        Was about to post something on this when I realized you guys had already discovered it, so Chris, glitch?

  4. bmaster2000 says:

    Do you realise chris that you now equal one quarter of the amount of time spent playing Call of Duty: Black Ops. And that is a worldwide popular game!!! Good going 😀

  5. chris i have a problem plz reply or i have to stop playing ee, i have a chat so i can type /reset or /loadlevel but not to chat can you pleaze make a way to mute players so they cant chat? my dad is worried about swear words getting threw like f*&k and stuff to my little brother who uses the same acc can you pleaze make it possible to mute????? if you do plz email me at micah@jiraesrvices.com thank you – micah

  6. and chris, why cant i see my own posts unless i sign in? can other users see my posts? oh ya and note that if you dont make a mute player thing then i will have to stop playing ee 4 evar and i rly dont want to do that D:

  7. Hey, I have a few bugs I found. There is a door/gate bug (that I think only happons in lag conditions)that causes the doors & gates to stay open/shut when triggerd. And yes I checked its not loss of connection causing it, I was still chating while they were stuck.
    Then theres the coin bug obously. But also; the thing that if you exited god mode in a area filled with triggerd gates, the gates would automaticly disable and you would’nt be stuck. That nolonger works. And there’s a few more but I forgot them.


    • Will, if you stay on a door after the key is triggered, it won’t return to solid until you move off of it. The same applies to gates, but in reverse. If you are standing in a gate when it’s triggered, then it won’t become solid unless you move off of it. Is that maybe what you think could be a bug? Also, there might be someone key-spamming (going across the key again and again so it stays triggered).

  8. majoralex says:

    Most of the people who have the Wizard Smiley got the coins from a coin farm before Chris made it inposible to get magic coins from a coin farm.

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