Suggestions and Feedback

Due to the large amount of comments with general feedback on the last few blog posts, I thought it might be a good idea to try to structure how such feedback is submitted.

As we already have a well working fan forum so lets just post such feedback there.

Here is a few links to get you started.

This is not to say that you should not post comments, just that your feedback not related to the topic of the blog post has a higher chance of getting noticed on the forum.

17 thoughts on “Suggestions and Feedback

  1. rob says:

    Hello, when i want to login the beta then it comes:
    404 – File or directory not found.
    The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.

    why? i have supported you, i donated few weeks ago, through my facebook account, now i see that beta costs 10$? what the heck? what is this?

  2. willard b says:

    god damn it Chris did you just update everybody edits because now the “conect with facebook” buton wont work 😡 (and you sent me a email saying i use the face book conect buton to play on beta and it was working fine yesterday) if this fucks up my saved world im gona realy be pi*sed

    • Drew M. says:

      Um, please settle down, I know this is troubling and that this should be Chris’s main concern right now (from what I know), but this isn’t the end of the world. Just wait for a response and see what the best course of action is from there. In the meantime don’t pay again unless you would rather to help support EE because it should be fixed and your beta access restored.

  3. Cola1 says:

    Hey Chris I’d just like to inform that is kind of unfair you need to pay to use beta version because it’s unfair for people without MasterCard or PayPal 😥 .

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